Working as a transdisciplinary scholar is always tricky. One can take neither authors nor audiences, nor especially citation pools for granted. And no proper question is actually answered by saying you should have read what I have read. In that spirit I share what I am actively learning myself as new attachments form. I assume here that we all have differential and on-going knowledges, that they each take up their own range of details, and that we hope to companion well. Not assuming we all already know each other, I sometimes characterize personal names briefly, just sharing my feel for possible transdisciplinary positionings.
As I prepare to come here to talk, share, gather with you, I seek out some clues for your and my contexts that will shape how we will take what each other says, but there is never enough information or maybe time to know that really. I’m doing a lot of guessing to be somewhat attuned to these, but also have to be willing to just not know, to feel a bit vulnerable. Such knowledge making practices are enfolded with and among demonstrations of my workshop here you might say, because ways of sharing are makings too, while attending in real time to what is happening when it happens is a methodology of companioning with things, all of us bits together in emergent processes.
And I also know that audiences of all kinds today are in the middle of actively diverging: in practices as well as being unpredictable in their circulations and ranges. These now are also complex systems, sometimes technically “chaotic” ones. Indeed, “author-ness” and its responsibilities to authorship and authority are dispersed, distributed, mixing up many collectives, many knowledge worlds, playing among and as boundary objects whether they know it or not. Audience is always something yet to be performed: What can be taken for granted? What would best be explained? Which contexts need to be fleshed out? How many worlds do we all gather here simultaneously? What do we assume are the most urgent issues and things to care about and with? Who and what facilitates movement among worlds? (Anzaldúa 2002)
These are some of the complex systems I care about. Attempts at systems justice.
• Being inside and moved around literally by the very material and conceptual structures you are analyzing and writing about is a kind of self-consciousness only partially available for explicit, or direct discussion.
• Under global academic restructuring we are obliged to network among all these lively agencies, as we look to see things as they exist for others, in different degrees of resolution, of grain of detail.
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My game cards are vaguely based on the cards of Grow a Game, by Tiltfactor and connected to Values at Play. Please check all these out!
Grow a Game:
Values at Play's game tools:
some image credits:
• microbiota banners clipped from google search.
• contact mystery:
• woman at table:
• Pioneer Plaque:
• Diversity Plaque:
• Zimmer Science Ink: Pioneer Plaque:
Katie makes her drawings using the app Paper by 53: